Spanish Wells Plantation Real Estate

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Premier Island Properties

Wayne McDonald
Wayne M. McDonald
Your Lowcountry Real Estate Expert

Homes in Spanish Wells Plantation
select p.ID, p.View, p.Status, p.LegalNumber, p.LegalAddress, p.MLSNumber, p.StreetNumber, p.StreetName, p.StreetSuffix, p.BedsTotal, p.BathsFull, p.BathsHalf, p.ListOfficeName, p.ListPrice, po.sort_order FROM properties p LEFT OUTER JOIN properties_order po ON p.MLSNumber = po.MLSNumber WHERE p.ID>0 AND (PropertyType!='' AND PropertyType!='Fractional' AND PropertyType!='Timeshare') AND Area='Spanish Wells' AND Status='Active' AND Area='Spanish Wells' AND ListPrice < '0' GROUP BY p.MLSNumber ORDER BY po.sort_order ASC LIMIT 24, 24